Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Divine Feminine – The Beginning

 The is an excerpt from Chapter Three in my forthcoming book -
Creating a Sacred Marketplace 
The Divine Feminine – The Beginning
Embodying the Divine Feminine is one of the most important tasks of our time."    -- Marion Woodman?

       As we move toward creating a sacred marketplace we need to become more deeply familiar with Divine Feminine consciousness and how it influences our understanding of abundance. Before there was one male God in the Sky, and before there was a pantheon of male and female gods who lived on mythical mountains, there was One Mother God who was all around us.  She was the Spirit of the Earth Herself, and humanity knew nothing else but that they were part of Her. There was no separation between people and the Divine Mother Earth, because the concept of separation did not yet exist in human awareness. We were part of the tribe, which was part of the Earth like the trees, the water, the, animals, as well as the sun and the moon, the sky, and everything that was. There was only Oneness. 

        As we reconnect money to its spiritual roots we must first get a better understanding of the Divine Mother, or the Divine Feminine. As I wrote in Chapter One, the Divine Mother was revered all over the world in the pre-Dominator cultures. She was known by different names:
Isis, Inanna, Ishtar, Sri, Devi, Lakshmi, Kuan Yin, Astarte, Asherah, Mother Mary, and so many others, depending on the time and the culture. In all, it was She to whom the ancients gave thanks for all the riches of the Earth.

Our ancient ancestors didn't just believe, but rather knew, that all things were sacred parts of the Divine Mother Earth. They were all part of the great Oneness. Each moment was a holy moment, because everything was part of the Spirit-infused experience of being alive. That sacred Oneness — that understanding that the Divine Mother was not something larger and separate from them, but an integral part of them — was all there was. Thus, there was no Heaven or Hell as we might understand them today; there was only the One holy world.

As much as forty-thousand years ago ancient artists traveled from as far away as the Russian Steppes to the Caves of Lascaux in southern France. There, they crawled miles down inside the sacred caves and created magnificent paintings to honor all of Life. My sense is that these sacred caves felt to the ancient people like the very womb of the Great Mother. And in them they must have experienced both a sacred stillness, as well the heartbeat of the Mother Herself. Their paintings were offerings to Her — to the womb from which they came and to which they returned at death.

There was no scarcity or lack for some and not for others. There was just what there was. In times of abundant hunting and gathering there was abundance for all, and even in times of drought or poor hunting whatever these early peoples had was shared equally among them, because the Divine Mother shared equally with all her children in good times and hard times. The sacred exchange of food, the first form of money and the marketplace, was all part of the great Oneness and sanctified by Her great love.  

When there is unity we all sit around the fire and eat what there is. If someone is sick and needs more to help him or her get stronger then that is just part of the collective understanding, and all share equally in giving more to the one in their midst who is in need of a little extra. What was most important in the Mother God culture, or Partnership cycle was that the tribe survive and eventually even thrive.

The era of the Divine Feminine lasted for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years, right up to approximately five thousand years ago when the energy of the Divine Masculine began to come into prominence in human awareness.  Women and the feminine energy was essential for establishing the race. And that took a very long time. 

 Over these thousands or millions of years, (The first woman’s remains, discovered in Ethiopia, are three million years old.) we developed very slowly. We went through many iterations, with bodies of different shapes, brains of different sizes, different ways of communicating, different methods of hunting and gathering. It took hundreds of thousands of years for us to learn to make baskets, carve bone, light fires, and form muddy clay into pots. All this time we were part of the Great Oneness, and the Great Goddess was all the god there was.  

The Mother God was transformed in a multitude of ways as the human race evolved and moved ever so slowly toward separation from Oneness. At first it was as the Triple Goddess. This is origin of the Christian Trinity of today.

This original Trinity or Triple Goddess often represented the three stages of womanhood, Maiden, Mother, and wise Crone, or the cycle of birth, life and death. In the Hindu tradition, The Great Mother God was Sri. Sri evolved into the Triple Goddess whose names are Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati (Kali). These Goddesses are worshipped by Hindus to this day. Saraswati is known as the Goddess of compassion, Lakshmi is the Goddess of all the Divine abundance of the Earth, and Parvati, or Kali as she is more popularly known, is herself the embodiment of the Triple Goddess of birth, life, and death. 

As time progressed the Trinity expanded to include other female deities and they were then joined by a Divine son or consort. It from there that the family Trinity showed up as the Father, Mother, and Son. It wasn’t until Christianity replaced the Mother with the Holy Ghost, who is assumed to be male, that the Divine Feminine was obliterated from theTrinity. But the Holy Ghost was known by the Gnostics as Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom, who in Hebrew tradition was the original Mother of God before there was Creation.   

As this evolution of the Goddess progressed, the Marketplace, and all money exchanges remained in Her realm. The people still understood far into the late Neolithic and early Biblical eras that the Divine Mother was the giver of all abundance. 

    The Hindu myth of the Goddess Lakshmi demonstrates what happens when the Holy Mother is not honored.


The Goddess Lakshmi is the expression of the Great Mother that represents all the luscious abundance that the Earth offers to humanity — nurturing abundance that flows with ease and grace from Her for the benefit of All. The legends say that all women of the world are forms of Lakshmi, and that where Lakshmi presides, tHere is prosperity, virtue, righteousness, truth, and compassion.

In one particular story of the Goddess Lakshmi we see what happens when the Holy Mother is not honored. 

The story begins when Lakshmi is bathing one day in Her favorite lake. She has left Her garments including Her sacred lotus blossom necklace on the shore. Riding along that same shore, Devendra, King of the Gods, carelessly allows his horse to trample Her sacred necklace. The great sage Durvarsa is so incensed by this lack of respect for the gracious Mother of All, that he puts a curse on Devendra so that he might never experience Lakshmi’s abundance again.

Inadvertently, this curse on Devendra deprives the entire Earth of Lakshmi's presence. Without the Goddess of abundance and compassion the land becomes barren, bringing about great suffering. As food supplies begin to dwindle, only the wealthy kings who have great stores of food are unaffected. As the people across the land starve, the kings continue to feast from golden plates. This division between the rich and the poor pleases the demons that partner with the kings and celebrate and fuel their greed.

Eventually, of course, even the stores of food in the palaces begin to run dry. When they start to go hungry as well, the kings realize their folly and appeal to the gods to intervene and bring Lakshmi back.

The gods, recognizing that the Earth cannot survive without Lakshmi and Her gracious abundance, send out search parties to find Her. They learn that She now resides under the Sea of Milk. The gods know She will not be brought back easily. They know She will not just come because the gods who had so easily shunned Her want Her back. Nor would the wishes of the powerful kings be enough to convince Her to return.  It will, they realize,  take the power of all the gods, all the mortals, rich and poor, and even all the demons working together to churn the Sea of Milk to bring Her back to the Earth. The mortals are quickly convinced to join in the effort. But it takes much politicking for the gods to convince the demons to join.  Only when the gods promise that once Lakshmi is restored to Earth, the kings will regain their wealth and again turn to the demons to support their wars and greed do they reluctantly agree.

Everyone gathers on the shores of the Sea of Milk and using whatever implements they have brought with them, they all begin to churn. And they churn and churn for many days, but to no good outcome. Lakshmi does not appear. The demons are gleeful, and begin to depart rejoicing in the failure of the gods.  But just at that moment Lakshmi rises up out of the Sea of Milk, standing on a great fuchsia colored lotus blossom, golden coins, all the abundance of Her sacred realm, pouring from Her hands. She brings with Her too, the ambrosia to heal the land and infuse the Earth with Her riches once again. But, as the people and gods celebrate with great joy to honor and give thanks to their great Mother, the demons steal the ambrosia. Lakshmi, disgusted with the gods' and the peoples’ carelessness with Her sacred gifts prepares to return to the Sea of Milk.

The great God Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe, has been watching. He cannot stand by any longer. He knows the immense worth of the Great Goddess and he also loves the people and the Earth. So, disguised as a beautiful  seductress, Vishnu arrives, and Lakshmi recognizing Vishnu in feminine form, delays Her departure. Vishnu coaxes the ambrosia from the demons, with the promise of sharing it equally between the gods, the mortals, and the demons. The demons give in, seduced by Vishnu’s feminine charms. Vishnu fills everyone’s cups with the ambrosia. But as gods and mortals celebrate the demons collapse in death. The ambrosia was the essence of pure love, and evil cannot withstand that powerful elixir.

 Lakshmi reigns as Mother of the Earth once more, bestowing all Her riches on the people of the Earth, Her beloved children. Instantly springs gush up through the parched earth, streams begin to flow, grass, trees, flowers, and vegetables grow, bloom, and bear fruit. The animals that have been dying in the wasteland drink from the new lakes and rivers and revive.  Lushness abounds throughout the earth.   

We are living in a time when the Divine Mother has been shunned and the earth and the prosperity of the people is a dry parched land.  The demons, so easily foiled in the Lakshmi myth, have yet to be overcome. But we all hold the ambrosia, which is pure love, in our hearts.  And as we begin to transform the collective subconscious beliefs around money from the false belief that there is not enough to go around, and open our hearts once again to the Divine Mother, and Her love for us, we will begin to shift out of the old fear-based economy and into the Love-based economy in which the Divine Mother shares abundantly with us ALL.
Excerpted from Creating a Sacred Marketplace – by Barbara Wilder

Copyright © by Barbara Wilder 2014

Sacred Money - Sacred Economy Workshop

Transforming and Embodying Money as Love



Join Barbara Wilder, author of Money is Love: Reconnecting to the Sacred Origins of Money and the forthcoming Creating a Sacred Marketplace for a Day-Long Workshop in which you will journey into the Sacred Heart of Money and learn the ancient connection between
Money and the Divine Mother.

As we watch the old fear-based economy falling apart, a brand new shining love-based economy is bubbling up from the core of the Divine Mother Earth to take its place. 


Using Agni Yoga - healing light meditation, journaling, and interactive games and exercises you will:

·         Begin to unhook from your old paradigm beliefs about money.

·         Discover the Sacred Origins of Money that still resonate deep in your cell memory.

·         AND shift, heal, ground, and embody the energy and the heart-wisdom of Money is Love.



This is Our Sacred Calling

July 26
10:00 AM  –  4:00 PM
Includes Lunch!
Your investment: $49
Barbara Wilder 720-841-5820

"True Wealth is abundance that does not create scarcity." The Ta

Monday, June 23, 2014

Barbara Wilder - The Adventure Continues - Love, Money, Spirit, and the Divine Feminine: Bloom Where You're Planted, Go Where You're Called...

Bloom Where You're Planted. Go Where You're Called

Back home I was attacked by a couple of women in a w
In the summer of 2007 I experienced a great deal of disappointments for my ego and deep growth and serenity for my soul.  When a couple of my workshops were cancelled my ego felt abandoned and betrayed.  But from deep inside my inner voice reminded me that we must bloom where we're planted and go where we're called.  

Apparently I hadn't been called to my workshop venues.  The earth energies were intense, and as I sat blooming in Colorado I was glad to be in my cozy home, snuggled into my garden with my dog.  Years ago, I  remember Caroline Myss saying (and I paraphrase here) that we were all beings of light, and we were all called to plant our light in the planet. Then she asked if we could be content if all we were asked to do was to stay at home and hold the light?  That summer I learned that, yes, I could be content to just hold my light in my little corner of the earth. 

Then around the first of October I felt the energy shift.  And, girl, did it shift for me.  It was a late Friday afternoon on October 5th.  I ventured out to an art opening in Boulder, Colorado where I lived at the time.  A woman I knew briefly approached me at the food table and nonchalantly asked if I would be interested in participating in an international interfaith peace conference.  She explained that this was an all expense paid invitation, but that I would have to be able to leave in one week.  I hesitated for as long as it took me to remember, the second part of my mantra, "Go where you're called."  

Now, down to the details.  Who was putting on the conference?  The Universal Peace Federation.  That sounded good.  They are affiliated with the UN.  Okay.  I'm on board.  And it is under the auspices of Rev. Dr. Moon.  The Moonies?  Oh, my.  Did this change my mind?  Should I check into this a bit more, before I just jumped in?  My inner voice reiterated my lesson. "Go where you're called."  My benefactor explained that the eighty-eight year old Dr. Moon had turned most of his attention toward international peace making over the last 8 years. All of the work I do in the world is focused on world peace.  Of course, I'd go.
Now, I had exactly seven days to rearrange my schedule and head for Seoul.  I'm the author of a book about healing the energy around money so that we can bring about financial peace in the world, and its first foreign publication was in South Korea. What a lovely synchronicity. I had a few copies of the book in Korean, so I tucked them in my suitcase as I packed.  One copy was eventually placed in the Moon University Library. 

After a 20 hour trip, I arrived in Seoul surprisingly rested and energized. The first night we gathered in a large ballroom of the beautiful five star hotel to meet and greet.  Korea is an extremely patriarchal society, so it was no surprise that women represented only about a quarter of the 250 participants from 100 nations. Much of my work has been with women, so being with so many men was not an unpleasant change. Everyone was open and friendly, and within a the first hour I had met a professor from Kashmir, a Christian minister from South Africa, a Greek Orthodox theologian, a Muslim business man from Iraq, a high school principal from Nepal, and Ruby Ann Darling, a formidable black woman with a twinkle in her eye, who was one of The Bahamas' first women members of parliament.  

Ruby Ann and I hit it off immediately, and the next morning when we were loaded into buses for a trip to the university founded by Dr. Moon we sat together and shared our dreams of a peaceful world, as well as our trials of paying our mortgages as single women. 

At the university we were told that we were to attend Dr. Moon's celebration of the 57th anniversary of his "miracle," which was his liberation by UN troops on the day he was scheduled for execution in a North Korean prison.  Seventy thousand people were in attendance for the celebration.  Our group was ushered into the front rows, and we each received a plastic bag with a program, a sun hat, a bottle of water and a cake.  Then to the assembled thousands Dr. Moon stood and spoke.  He spoke of his miracle.  And I remembered that very day.  I was a very little girl.  The radio was on, and I heard the announcer say that the war in Korea was over.  I was so excited that I ran out to the backyard where my mother was hanging clothes on the line, shouting, "Mommy, Mommy, war is over forever."  I got chills remembering our shared day.  My mind came back to Dr. Moon's talk just as he said something I was later to learn was unprecedented.  "It is time," he said, becoming very pointed and focused so that everyone would hear him, "It is time for the women to take the lead."  And then he did another new and shocking thing, he asked his wife to read the second half of his speech. I felt blessed to have been witness to this historical moment for the power of the feminine. 

Another memorable moment of the conference was after dinner on the third night when different groups got up to sing.  The first group to sing was the Mongolians, who wore their national dress throughout the conference.  Their haunting chants vibrated into my core.  Then the Indonesians sang.  Then a group made up of Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese.  One very small Taiwanese man was so thrilled about this collaboration that he kept repeating "Taiwanese and Chinese singing together.  They should see us now."   Next, a group stood up to sing comprised of my Iraqi friend, a woman from Syria, one from Jordan, and a couple from Israel.  Suddenly, I realized that everyone was going to sing, except the North Americans.  We had nothing planned.  It took some begging, but I finally convinced my fellow country folk to sing when an African American woman from Alabama said that she'd join in if we sang "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands."  We were scheduled to follow the Africans who were so amazing that our group almost chickened out.  But the dye was cast.  

We were announced and took the stage.  Soon I realized that this was a song we could all sing, and I asked the entire assembly to join in. And there in that room in a hotel far far from home, but only twenty-six miles from the DMZ and North Korea, 250 people from 100 counties sang together.  By the end of the tenth or eleventh verse many people in the room had tears streaming down their faces.  We were there together in God's hands.  We were there together to celebrate our shared humanity.  And we were there to absorb that feeling and bring it back home to 100 countries. 

The final day I was asked to speak to the entire assembly.  I spoke about my memory of the day fifty-seven years ago, which I realized was the beginning of my quest for a peaceful world.  I spoke of the wonderful new friends I'd made, and then I turned the talk to the historical words of Dr. Moon.  I reminded them that Dr. Moon had said, "It is time for the women to take the lead."  But, I said, you men mustn't be afraid.  We do not want to push you aside, we want to include you.  We want you to walk alongside of us.  Women's leadership is different than men's. It is more inclusive. True feminine power is the power to love, to nurture, to create, and to make peace.  We all have feminine and masculine aspects within us.  You men who are here at this conference are demonstrating your own feminine power by being ambassadors for peace.  There was an outburst of applause.  Everyone got it.  If just for one moment, 250 people from 100 countries understood that true feminine power is the love and caring that will heal their world. 

Go where you're called.  The little voice whispered to me as I looked out at the faces of those beautiful peace makers.

Back home in Boulder I was attacked by a couple of women in a women's media group that I belonged to for going to a conference that was sponsored by Dr. Moon.  I explained that I didn't agree with everything I learned about the Moon philosophy and his Unification Church, but there is no church or organization that I agree with completely.  We live in a diverse world.  What is politically correct in Boulder doesn't mean a hill of beans in a lot of other countries around the world.  Seventy thousand members of an extremely patriarchal society were told by a man they respect that it is time for the women to take the lead.  That counts for an awful lot in my book. 

We must all open our hearts to those we have judged in the past and welcome them to the bring their unique pieces of the mosaic that will eventually complete itself in the creation of world peace.  We must not only accept our differences, we must celebrate them.  And to do that we must listen to our true inner voice, and make the difference that we are chosen to make.
.men's media group that I e

Monday, June 16, 2014

Barbara Wilder - The Adventure Continues - Love, Money, Spirit, and the Divine Feminine: Bury Your 2014 Intentions in the Cave

Barbara Wilder - The Adventure Continues - Love, Money, Spirit, and the Divine Feminine: Bury Your 2014 Intentions in the Cave:                            Bury Your 2014 Treasure Chest Here On New Years Eve some friends and I decorated little wooded treasure ...
Giving and Receiving – And the Sacred Marriage - an excerpt from the forthcoming CREATING A SACRED MARKETPLACE 
- by Barbara Wilder
It is in the act of giving and receiving that we can find the key to the Sacred Marriage. The notion of giving and receiving has been a conundrum in the past. We learn even today in some of the most highly spiritual and integral teachings and programs that we just have to learn to give and from giving we simply become open to receive. But at the same time as these well-meaning teachers say this they also say, that we must not give with the expectation of getting something back.  And what they mean is that we should give generously and know that it will come back to us abundantly.  And that is the truth. But there is a subtle blockage to our understanding and thus the fulfillment of that truth in most people’s lives. And that is that culturally we have been taught a very deceitful idea that sticks with us deep in our subconscious minds, and that is the saying from the Bible, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
            Let’s look at that simple phrase, and examine how it has affected our collective subconscious.  Because to shift the paradigm, and open our hearts and our pocketbooks to Money as Love, and thus become capable of co-creating a sacred marketplace, which can only come with the sacred marriage, we will need to transform this outdated belief structure.  
So, if it is more blessed to give than to receive, then it follows logically that the giver is blessed.  And that’s a lovely thing. It is good to give, if we are truly giving from our hearts.  The problem lies in what happens in the minds and hearts of the receivers.  If it is MORE blessed to Give than to Receive, then the logical next belief is that the receiver is LESS blessed, or even, not blessed at all. This is imbedded in our deep cultural subconscious. Thus, no matter how much we are taught that if we give from our hearts we will receive, the very idea of receiving can actually be loathsome to many, because it is not blessed.  Also, because it is better to be a giver, it follows that the receiver is less than or  smaller than the giver.  This an insidious construct of the dominator cultural consciousness or the shadow of the Divine Masculine that we must dismantle to be able to enter into the Sacred Marriage.  This idea that something has to be better than another thing is what keeps separation/duality functioning.  But when we look at the truth that Giving and Receiving are two parts of the whole, and that one cannot exist without the other, then duality melts away and unity takes its place naturally, and this is what creates abundance for All. 
So, how do we transform this? How do we transmute giving and receiving into Oneness?  It’s a lovely concept, but because we have lived for over five thousand in this culture of separation and the belief that some are better than others, or dominate over others, we now need to train the receiving part of our emotional psyches how to open and accept the gifts of the giver from a place of equanimity and more importantly safety.  Most people’s receptors are not trained to receive, and in fact are trained through their own personal, as well as cultural history, that receiving, or asking or expecting to receive more money or more freedom or more of any of the wonderful gifts of the Divine Universe results in punishment.  A simple example is the wife and mother who daily gives selflessly to her family, but is castigated by her husband for asking for more money to pay the bills, or for asking to take some time off to do something for herself.  Many many women are even abused physically as well as emotionally for asking for more money or more freedom. Our culture doesn’t pay well for the gifts of wives and mothers.  In fact there is no pay.  This extends out into the whole community and affects men as well. When a man asks for a raise for doing good work, he often is refused the raise and even fired for asking. In the past in this country, and still in many other places in the world, a person can be fired, or even killed for asking for more, no matter how much they are giving.
Another piece of this puzzle is that we are asked in this unbalanced culture to make trades that are unbeneficial to our psychological wellbeing to receive money.  The most sinister of these is loss of our sovereignty. Who owns us when they give us money?  The company we work for? The man or woman we are married to?  To create a sacred marketplace, each one of us must come to the marketplace as sovereign beings.
As we talked about in the Self-Love chapter, when we love ourselves completely, no one can dominate us. Thus to become receivers, we must heal the wounds of abuse that have created walls in our collective and personal psyches that were actually necessary for our physical safety and survival in the past. To do this we must give and give and give love to ourselves, and gently begin to trust that we will not harm ourselves, and with practice we will begin to feel safe enough that the walls will fall, and we will become free to open our hearts to receive all the love and abundance and goodness that is the birthright of every person on this earth.       
Giving and receiving are actually energetic exchanges.  The energetics of giving is easier because of the belief that is it Blessed to Give, and because historically we have not been punished for giving.  On the other hand, the energetics of receiving are stymied.  Because the fear of retaliation, abuse, punishment, is so prevalent that our receivers are blocked to the signal that would open the energetic doors to let in the good, the Money as Love. Our doors are shut for protection.    Thus, as we learn to love ourselves we must include the healing of the fear of receiving.  This brings us back to the era of duality that we are moving out of and thus this healing of the receiving becomes instrumental in the creation of unity and the sacred marriage first within ourselves, thus making us ready to create a sacred marketplace that is the external expression of the unity within.  
The shadow of the Divine Masculine, the domination impulse creates a duality, which makes the giver feel that he or she is above the lowly unblessed receiver.  Thus to receive is not so easily achieved, because there is this subtle but all pervasive repudiation of what the teachers tell us, that when we give we naturally receive.  Because when we give, our subconscious mind that is part of the great collective mind pattern makes us feel better than those we are giving to.  And when we receive our subconscious feels a bit less than, or even feels guilty, and we can fall into self-hate. 
Also, giving and receiving are different for men and women.  Women naturally give. Being nurturers, life givers, caretakers, we naturally know how to give.  When we are taught over and over in prosperity workshops to learn to give, women are sent into a very weird place, because this is not something we need to learn.  It is women’s default mode.  What women don’t know how to do naturally is to receive.  This is exacerbated by the cultural mindset that it is not considered blessed to receive. This is a deep feminine wound that has been ingrained in the female psyche over the past five thousand years.  When women lost ownership of themselves and became the property of men, they lost the ability to receive abundance directly from and for themselves, and thus they had to find alternative ways to receive.  And that was by giving their most precious gifts, and hoping that these gifts would help them just survive.  This is very evident in the act of prostitution, which is actually the shadow of the Sacred Marriage.  
Let us look at the archetypes here.  We know that divine masculine heroes of the past five thousand years were always in search of the elixir that would heal their communities. To find this elixir and return with it to the community, was often a lifelong quest. The elixir was always the feminine aspect of healing, nurturing, and abundance for the entire community.  The most notable of the quest elixirs was the Holy Grail, which though transformed during the Christian era to be the cup that Christ drank from at the last supper, originated much earlier, and like the round table that Guenivere brought to Arthur, it was the search for the Divine Mother.  The Divine Mother is the ultimate receiver. She is the cup into which the Divine Father pours the holy wine.  The Mother Earth is the grail, the Father Sun is the wine that fills the grail. When the seeds are planted, they gestate deep in the womb of the Mother Earth. Into that womb the sun shines its rays until the seed is warm enough to burst forth from the earth and become a luscious plant that grows and creates abundance for all who eat of it.  When a man enters a woman and plants his sperm in her cup, her grail, a human being is created.  This is the sacred marriage.
This Holy receptacle was demonized during the era of duality. Thus the act of receiving was no longer considered holy or sacred. Where once the High Priestesses of the Divine Mother received men at Her altar and performed the sexual act in the sanctity of the temple and the sacredness of Divine Love,  now the great priestesses were called prostitutes and their holiness was considered the act of the devil that tempted men away from the path, or shadow of the Divine Masculine.  To reinstate the Divine Feminine to Her place in our sacred consciousness we will need to honor once again the holiness of Divine receiving.  And when the Divine Masculine enters and fills the cup or the grail of the Divine Feminine, this will heal the separation, and the Divine receiver will once again be married in Love and Grace with the Divine Giver.  And from this all abundance is created for all who participate. 

Whether you are man or woman, I invite you to bring your Divine Feminine receiver onto your inner altar to receive all the Goodness that is available to you from the Divine Masculine within yourself, and you will find yourself lifted to the higher vibration of money as love, where great abundance flows effortlessly for all.  This is the sacred marriage within, and the beginnings of the sacred marketplace that will be co-created by all who take the vows of balanced and holy giving and receiving. 
Excerpt from CREATING A SACRED MARKETPLACE - By Barbra Wilder
Copyright © by Barbara Wilder 2014
 Art by Krystle Smith  

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Women and Power Free Event in Sherman Oaks CA

Lunch n Learn – Feb. 25, 11:30 AM Office Slice
Women and Power
Soaring Into 2014 with TRUE
Feminine Power
with Barbara Wilder                  
The author of  – 
Embracing Your Power Woman -


Come learn how you can become more successful and happy in the second half of life than ever before. 

Have you begun to feel a desire for something new?  But are you afraid you’re too old, or that your dreams are silly. Do you feel that you no longer have value.  And at the same time do you feel an urge toward something wonderful that seems just out of reach?  Are you looking for a more meaningful way of life?  You have a powerful purpose that the world needs right now. You are who you have been waiting for. You hold a magnificent shining piece of the great mosaic that is the new era on earth.  It’s your time to shine it up and bring it forth.

DATE:  Feb. 25  TIME -  11:30 AM – 12:30 PM 

WHERE: OFFICESLICE - 25265 Ventura Blvd. Suite 245 - Sherman Oaks.  (In the Bank of the West Building) 


You will come away with:

A new sense of hope for your future.
A deeper understanding of what TRUE feminine power really is.
A glimpse of where your heart is leading you in the coming year and years. 
And a new sense your own inner strength and outer purpose. 

Internationally acclaimed author and spiritual teacher Barbara Wilder’s greatest passion is to bring Light into the dark corners of our hearts and minds and help shift human consciousness into the vibration of universal love. Author of the highly praised “Embracing Your Power Woman,” “Money is Love,” and the forthcoming “Creating a Sacred Marketplace,” she is an extraordinarily gifted intuitive healer, coach and teacher, focusing on embodying the Divine Feminine in every aspect of life. 

Contact info 720-841-5820

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bury Your 2014 Intentions in the Cave

 Bury Your 2014 Treasure Chest Here

On New Years Eve some friends and I decorated little wooded treasure chests and then wrote out our intentions for 2014. We placed our intentions in the treasure chest, then buried them in the garden at the peak of the New Moon to consecrate them in the Mother Earth and receive Her blessing for this wonderful New Year ahead.  

I have created this page so that you  can join in the fun and receive the blessing of the Divine Mother Earth for your magnificent intentions for 2014  

To join in just write your intentions in the comment section. Then just before posting take a moment to look at the picture of the moonlight shining into the cave at the top of the page. Sit with it for a moment. See yourself in the cave. Imagine you have a  shovel and  are digging a hole.
Now bury the treasure box in the hole, and cover it up with dirt. 

And then hit Post. 

Wishing you the very best Year ever.  

With my blessings too.  