Dear Fellow Travelers,
It's been about four months since I wrote to you. And what a four months it has been. When last I wrote, I was living in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and asking for guidance for what my next step was to be. Santa Fe is a powerful transformation vortex, and during my two years there my lesson learning was intense, and the inner growth remarkable. I will share parts of that journey in future blog post/newsletters. But back to the beginning, so sometime in May shortly after my last post to you, I received my inner direction to move home to Los Angeles. I had been away for 17years, and now I was being called home. I had lived in Los Angeles for 27 years when I was guided to move to Boulder, Colorado in 1994. Those 15 years in Boulder and 2 in Santa Fe were filled with an immense amount of lesson learning, sharing the light, going bankrupt, major surgery, writing two books, creating my own Light Energy Healing modality and The Transformational Light Center, speaking, teaching, loving my husband, losing him through divorce, buying a home and finally selling it this year in a short sale, meeting a new love, and moving to live with him in New Mexico, finding myself in a relationship that took me into and through a dark journey that challenged me to step more and more fully into the Light and into my own sweet power, and ultimately out of the relationship. A pretty amazing 17 years.
And then one day in Santa Fe, after 9 months of healing and assimilating essence from the relationship journey, I heard the distinct whisper of my Soul. "It's time to go home." My heart burst open with joy. Go, home? I can go home? Tears began to stream from my eyes. I knew I missed L.A. But I had remained true to my word to go where I was guided, so I hadn't realized how homesick I'd been all those years. But now, my tears flowed with unfettered joy.
I was living in a friend's home while she was living in Toronto. She was coming back to live in Santa Fe in October, so I figured I'd stay in Santa Fe until October and in the meantime make plans to move to L.A. But that wasn't the Higher plan. Almost immediately I found myself working with my son,
My Son Sean and Me |
Sean, who lives in L.A., to find a home on Craigslist. He actually was the one who found my new home. I never saw it until the day I moved in. I just trusted him. He said, "Mom, you're going to love this place. It's beautiful, and it's got great energy." So, I said, okay. That was on June 8th. On June 18th I drove away from Santa Fe, with my dog Gage, and moved into my new home on June 20th.
Dry air and high altitudes are very hard on my particular physical structures. So Boulder at 5400 feet and Santa Fe at 7000 feet above sea level with desert conditions had challenged me greatly.
When I arrived at my new home, I couldn't believe the gift I had been given by the Divine Mother. A beautiful green lawn stretched in front of the building, a 1940s fourplex on the western edge of Bel-Air. The street was lined with Jacaranda trees in bloom with their purple flowers.. On my front lawn right outside my huge living room window were luscious Tree Ferns, and trimmed hedges, and a patio that stretched around the outside of my apartment. Out the back door was a sheer mountain side covered in purple flowers and palm trees. Bougainvillea spilled over the next door fence. The air was moist, and I realized that being 20 minutes from the ocean we got the sea breezes here. Inside it was small compared to the huge house I'd had in Santa Fe, but, it was all mine, and it was sweet, with a fireplace, and highly polished hardwood floors. It was perfect. And I was HOME.
Now, what next? Well, first of all getting the house set up, and then starting to remember how to live in a city of 7 million people. I love it. I love the people's energy here. Many years ago when I first came to live in L.A. in my early twenties, I hated it. It was smoggy and awful. Then one day after I had lived here for a couple of years, I was sitting all alone in Ben Franks, a coffee shop on Sunset Strip, and I heard a voice in my head saying, "I love L.A." I was shocked. I wondered who talked. Then I realized it was my true inner voice, and I did indeed Love L.A. So, I'm starting over. I'm beginning my new life in my old home in my mid-sixties.
What I do know for certain, is that gratitude is the bottom line. Each day, I wake up and am so incredibly grateful for what I have now, and all that I have had, no matter how difficult it has been in my whole life. All my broken hearts, and broken dreams, and all my lessons, all my lovers and all my really wonderful friends and all the really awful friends. Everything. My difficult family. My wonderful son. Every single thing. All the physical challenges. All the grief. All the love. All are gifts of this life. Life is the gift.
So, it's from here that I begin again. What will I do? I will continue to teach and heal with the LIGHT. I will begin to teach others to teach the Light work. I will take long walks every day. I will make new friends. I will continue to turn money into love. I will continue to help women face their fears and open their hearts to their power and their sweetness and their purpose. I will continue to help men connect to their enlightened masculine. I will probably write a couple more books. And I will love. I will love every single moment of every single day. And be present in the moment. Because it is in the present moment that all is love. All is perfect.
A new friend here in L.A., Alana Lea, said to me the other day. "Must be present to win!" And that's the truth. Love it.
I love you. I love all the beautiful people on this planet who are attempting to face their fears, open their hearts, and live in the Light of gratitude. I love all those who are still afraid to open their eyes to the possibilities. And I love the animals. Because it is the animals who connect us to our hearts. Domestic and wild. I heard a story today about a man who was heading down the stairs at the World Trade Center on 9/11 with his dog. The building was swaying and man let the leash go. His dog ran down the stairs in front of him, disappearing out of sight. The man continued on slowly. Soon his dog returned to get him, and the two emerged from the building safely together. Ahhh.
Here's a meditation
Take a deep breath. Breath into your belly and hold the breath. And release. Take another deep breath and breath down into your legs and feet. Hold it. And release. Take another deep breath and breath up into your brain and hold it. And release. Now, take one more deep breath and breath into your heart and hold it. And release. Return to your normal breathing as you ...
Experience being with your awareness in your heart and heart chakra. Become aware that there is a a beautiful Fuchsia colored Sun glowing in your heart and in your heart chakra. Experience that with each breath you take this Fuchsia Light expands out from your heart and out through your entire body. Then take a deep breath and expand the beautiful glowing Fuchsia Light past your body and into your energy field, filling your energy field.
Let this Fuchsia Light intensify throughout your body and field. Now, focus your attention on the Fuchsia light in your belly button. And become aware that this Fuchsia Light is moving out from your belly button creating a ribbon of light that drops down into the earth, and into the center of the Earth and to the Spirit of the Divine Mother reconnecting you to Her. And become aware that she is the giver of all the sweet abundance of the earth that is your birthright as Her divine daughter or son. She feeds you in every way, through this umbilical cord, with the energy of her luscious Fuchsia Light. This is where your wealth comes from. All She asks is for you to open your heart to Her. To allow Her to feed you, support you, heal you, and love you for all that you are and all that you are becoming.
Sit with this Light flowing up from Her richness into and throughout your entire physical, emotional, perceptual and mental bodies and energy fields.
Be aware throughout the day, whenever you are feeling unloved, or unsupported, or in anyway lacking, that the luscious loving abundance from the Divine Mother is flowing up and through you. You are filled with Fuchsia Light. You are the light.
Have a beautiful day.
Blessings my fellow travelers.