Today in my morning journaling I was contemplating community and how much we all desire it. To know that we are part of a family. That we're all in this together - together in the belly of this enormous shift in human consciousness. The end of duality. The coming together as ONE.
Really?! ONE!? I know, we look around, and everything seems more divided than ever. But in the deep center of the cyclone that is tearing everything apart, we are gestating peace and Oneness. We're each doing our part, bringing our own unique indispensable part of the peace and joy and understanding.
And we have a ways to go, of course. The end of duality means tearing us out of several thousand years of the false belief that we live in a finite world that doesn't have enough for all of us. And so we are constantly in competition to get our share, driven by the fear that we won't survive unless we work harder than..., be better than..., get more than...! We're constantly playing our parts in this desperate game. We get momentary pleasure when we have a win. Even when it's not our own win - when our sports team wins, or our favorite media star wins an Oscar or a Grammy. But the feeling doesn't last. It is unsustainable, because for all those who win there are all that lose.
This is up bigtime in the zeitgeist right now, being awards season and the approaching Super Bowl. And this made me think about an interview I heard with Matt Damon telling about getting his Oscar when he was 27.
He said that after the show he couldn't sleep, so as he sat up looking at the award, and he suddenly thought, "Thank god, I didn't f--- anybody to get this. And then this feeling rushed over me, and I thought, what if I'd chased this all my life and gotten it when I was an old man and realized, with all of life behind me, what an unbelievable waste of my life... this could never fill you up if that's a hole that you have, this will never fill it up."
And it made me think of The Unsinkable Soul documentary that I was blessed to be part of where we were all there together in creating that beautiful mosaic of cooperation and sharing about healing and caring evolving.
That feeling endures. No one was the best. There was our lovely host, but there were no keynote speakers, no headliners. We addressed questions that were on the minds of those who attended and who took up just as much space on the screen as the panelists. All of us creating a mosaic of Love. And we are all teachers and students, we just shift places in this process of expanding human consciousness.
So, this morning in my journaling I was writing about competition and how awful it feels in the pit of my stomach, and deep in my heart and gut. So, I wrote Win and Lose and Winners and Losers over and over again. And I thought about coaches and teachers telling their students to write down your "wins" for today. And parents teaching their children to be winners. And all the kids who have felt like losers for their whole lives because of a Little League game or a soccer game or a spelling bee that they lost. And I thought "We have to stop winning." Because you cannot say the word Win without Lose being somewhere in your awareness. And that fear of losing, or not winning is poison in our body consciousness.
I recently posted a Meme on my Facebook page that said.
"I don't want to compete with you. I want us all to win."
And I got a lots of Likes. But still there is that word, Win. Still there is that lingering word Lose.
So, what came out of this exploration was, why not just stop using the word Win all together.
And change Winning to Succeeding
Try saying succeeding or succeed in place of winning or win and see if Lose is still lurking anywhere in your consciousness. It probably isn't.
What I thought of just now, what is linked with succeeding in my consciousness is the phrase,
"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again."
This sounds more like my Inner Voice, compassionately supporting me and my efforts to be all that I can be.
I'm changing the Meme to, "I don't want to compete with you, I want us all to succeed at whatever our own unique path is."
This is the way that we create the mosaic of the New Earth. With us all supporting the success of one another's paths - our unique gifts that we each are here to add to the evolution of human consciousness.
Try it for a few days. See what it feels like. Maybe journal about it. Use it as a Mantra. For instance "I desire to succeed."
Let me know what you discover.
Have a blessed week. Remember the mosaic cannot be created without you and your remarkable gifts.
You are Indispensable.
Have a blessed week. Enjoy yourself. Be gentle with yourself.
With so much love, light, and joy,
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