Wednesday, March 20, 2024


 Thank all of you who responded to my last missive suggesting that we might change the word WIN to SUCCEED. All were really thoughtful responses, including one person who shared that the word “lose” the opposite of “win,” didn’t feel as bad to them as the word “failure,” the opposite of “succeed or success.” And I spent some time really feeling into this. Because, if you remember, in my last email, I talked about when we say the word “Win” there is always the word “lose” lurking right next to it in our consciousness. And that when I was thinking of the word “succeed,” the word “failure” didn’t seem to be lurking there. What I felt instead was the phrase, “If at once you don’t succeed, try and try again.”

       Now, of course, we often think of failing or failure as the opposite of succeeding, and to fail is tough. No doubt about that. But that little phrase, “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again,” just clings onto my heart when I continue to think of failing. And then, of course, I think of the story of how Thomas Edison tried and failed 1000 times before he succeeded in inventing the light bulb.

       And I read somewhere recently that it takes courage to fail. And that is true. But I feel it’s more than just raw courage. I feel it is the knowledge that we must know even before we start that there is a possibility of failing more than once. And also knowing that the key to succeeding eventually is taking stock in the failure to see what you have learned from this attempt, and then incorporating that knowledge in your next attempt. This way with next attempt, you are using what you’ve learned from the previous "failure." Thus, it becomes a peeling away of the layers that are shrouding the gem of success that already exists in some part of your innate knowingness. 

It is like Michelangelo saying that he just chipped away at the marble until he revealed the statue or the angel already existing inside.

Mentioning Michelangelo and Edison is intentional. They were both working at succeeding at what their unique path in this life set out for them. Too often we find ourselves attempting to succeed at what others want for us to succeed at, or what we think will make us a lot of money, or wanting to be as good or better than someone else. If this is our motivation then we can try and try and try again, and we might get some level of success, but usually not that much. Not as much as our hearts are truly asking for us. 

Like Matt Damon’s story that I related last time in which he realized how empty it was to receive the Oscar, and how happy he was that he learned this at a young age. He thought how sad it would be to get it in old age and realize then that what he had chased after for his whole life had such little meaning. 


 Matt Damon has succeeded brilliantly as an actor. And that has been what fulfills him, not the prize. He actually got the Oscar for writing, not acting. 

Each one of us has some extremely important gift that is needed now in this transformational moment in history. And it is that gift that your Higher Self wants you to succeed at. And this is what makes you indispensable. And when you find your way to accepting and embracing your path and realize that everything you do toward it is on your journey to success, then you are able to let go of ego driven ideas about success and feel the powerful support of your own Higher Self and the universe.


       Now, I am not talking about having big dreams. This is what most of us get caught up in thinking about what success is. Achieving stuff and accolades is not the “Bliss” that Joseph Campbell was talking about. Bliss is not becoming famous or making seven figure sales. Bliss is what your divine purpose is in this lifetime. And you will find it hiding in plain sight. It is exactly the challenges you consistently battle with. And what your Higher Self wants you to do is to become with each new challenge a little more aware of your path, to become the most elegant expression of your Soul for yourself. 

This, of course, then spills out and infects the world around you with goodness. Whether you’re an artist, or a scientist, or a chef, or a mother or a carpenter, or a bus driver, or a clerk, or a computer technician, or a nurse… Anything that you do from the depths of your Soul for yourself first and for others next is your path. It may function in the external world in different forms and descriptions, but if your Soul is expanding, you’re doing the right parts. We are all here to expand our Souls first and the world and human consciousness second.

       So, every failure, every time we f—k up, we just need to stop, take a breath, then embrace the moment, and ask for guidance from within as to what we learned in this attempt to succeed. Journal about it. Make a game out of it. And realize that in this failure you have learned a new lesson, and you are one step closer to succeeding. Now rejoice, because it’s the little successes that create the quantum leap successes.


Now, the idea of success becomes a personal journey,

and not a competition with anyone for anything.

        And, YES, this takes courage. But it’s the courage to find your own path, own your own journey, and embrace the challenges and rewards along the way. You’ll find the sensation of this kind of success in your heart and deep in your gut. Sink into those parts of you and allow, allow, allow the joy in – the compassion in – the love in – and the feeling of self-worth in. 

       You are indispensable!!!! 

The more you expand and allow your true Soul-self up to the front of your awareness, the stronger and healthier you become, and the world becomes. Without you and your gifts, it’s going to take longer to make the quantum leap into a loving caring peaceful world. 

       Thank you for being part of this community and for your magnificent indispensable part of our whole human family. And our Divine Mother Earth.

Blessings of light, love, and joy,



Today in my morning journaling I was contemplating community and how much we all desire it. To know that we are part of a family. That we're all in this together - together in the belly of this enormous shift in human consciousness. The end of duality. The coming together as ONE.

Really?! ONE!? I know, we look around, and everything seems more divided than ever. But in the deep center of the cyclone that is tearing everything apart, we are gestating peace and Oneness. We're each doing our part, bringing our own unique indispensable part of the peace and joy and understanding.

And we have a ways to go, of course. The end of duality means tearing us out of several thousand years of the false belief that we live in a finite world that doesn't have enough for all of us. And so we are constantly in competition to get our share, driven by the fear that we won't survive unless we work harder than..., be better than..., get more than...! We're constantly playing our parts in this desperate game. We get momentary pleasure when we have a win. Even when it's not our own win - when our sports team wins, or our favorite media star wins an Oscar or a Grammy. But the feeling doesn't last. It is unsustainable, because for all those who win there are all that lose.

This is up bigtime in the zeitgeist right now, being awards season and the approaching Super Bowl. And this made me think about an interview I heard with Matt Damon telling about getting his Oscar when he was 27.

He said that after the show he couldn't sleep, so as he sat up looking at the award, and he suddenly thought, "Thank god, I didn't f--- anybody to get this. And then this feeling rushed over me, and I thought, what if I'd chased this all my life and gotten it when I was an old man and realized, with all of life behind me, what an unbelievable waste of my life... this could never fill you up if that's a hole that you have, this will never fill it up."

And it made me think of The Unsinkable Soul documentary that I was blessed to be part of where we were all there together in creating that beautiful mosaic of cooperation and sharing about healing and caring evolving.

That feeling endures. No one was the best. There was our lovely host, but there were no keynote speakers, no headliners. We addressed questions that were on the minds of those who attended and who took up just as much space on the screen as the panelists. All of us creating a mosaic of Love. And we are all teachers and students, we just shift places in this process of expanding human consciousness.


So, this morning in my journaling I was writing about competition and how awful it feels in the pit of my stomach, and deep in my heart and gut. So, I wrote Win and Lose and Winners and Losers over and over again. And I thought about coaches and teachers telling their students to write down your "wins" for today. And parents teaching their children to be winners. And all the kids who have felt like losers for their whole lives because of a Little League game or a soccer game or a spelling bee that they lost. And I thought "We have to stop winning." Because you cannot say the word Win without Lose being somewhere in your awareness. And that fear of losing, or not winning is poison in our body consciousness.

I recently posted a Meme on my Facebook page that said.

"I don't want to compete with you. I want us all to win."

And I got a lots of Likes. But still there is that word, Win. Still there is that lingering word Lose.

So, what came out of this exploration was, why not just stop using the word Win all together.

And change Winning to Succeeding

Try saying succeeding or succeed in place of winning or win and see if Lose is still lurking anywhere in your consciousness. It probably isn't.

What I thought of just now, what is linked with succeeding in my consciousness is the phrase,

"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again."

This sounds more like my Inner Voice, compassionately supporting me and my efforts to be all that I can be.

I'm changing the Meme to, "I don't want to compete with you, I want us all to succeed at whatever our own unique path is."

This is the way that we create the mosaic of the New Earth. With us all supporting the success of one another's paths - our unique gifts that we each are here to add to the evolution of human consciousness.

Try it for a few days. See what it feels like. Maybe journal about it. Use it as a Mantra. For instance "I desire to succeed."

Let me know what you discover.

Have a blessed week. Remember the mosaic cannot be created without you and your remarkable gifts.

You are Indispensable.

Have a blessed week. Enjoy yourself. Be gentle with yourself.

With so much love, light, and joy,



On this New Year's Eve as we step over the threshold into 2024, it seems like this is really a time to do a major reset of my life. You may have a sense of this as well.

For me, it has been a feeling that there has to be a new way to do things, in my own life and also in the world. Do you know this feeling? It's like I’ve been doing my life and my work a certain way for soooo long, and it isn’t bad, but it isn’t good. Not that what I do isn’t good. It is. I, like you, do work that is helpful to others.

But I’m feeling now like it has to open up. To be bigger. Not bigger. That’s not the right word. I feel like my Higher Self is pushing on the back of my heart and very loudly whispering, “Open.” And then, what follows is a sensation with colors and videos of something wonderful. Dancing Lights, and groovy music. And it’s New. But I don’t quite get a real knowing of it in my brain…yet.

Oh, I get what it is! It is the voice of my Higher Self opening up a new channel of life. I didn’t know this until right now as I am writing this. It’s like streaming a brand-new frequency of life and light. It feels like a sensation of good news. A good news channel. 

I had a dream a couple of nights ago, and in it there was this very lovely woman, ageless, and dressed in a nineteenth century afternoon gown with a bustle. The dress was creamy white, and she was in her boudoir, and the sun was shining into the room from the window behind her. The air was a very light peachy color, and she was holding a fan that was also this pale peach color. And it was made of light. And as she fanned herself with it, golden sparkles of light flitted out into the air around her along with this peach light. And then, I woke up. And I felt a peaceful joy all through my being. 

I know this light, this peach light with gold sparkles. I know it as the Energy of Compassion. It is a light frequency that has been with me for many many years, but never in a dream, and never with this deep, sweet sensation. And tonight, as I write this, I know this is the new channel. And it’s not just for me. This is the new channel that we are being guided to stream in our lives now. And it comes in from the back of our hearts and pushes our true gifts out into ourselves and the world around us.  

It's like we are the content creators of this new channel. And the old content of the old channel is not relevant here. Only the new, that has been gestating in our hearts for perhaps years, is ready to be born. And it is not like anything before. It may have aspects of that which we’ve done before, but the foundation is NEW. The foundation is this Energy of Compassion. This Pale Peach Light with golden sparkles. 

         This is the only way I can share It with you. You may feel It or sense It differently. But It wants you to know It. To allow your Higher Self to push It out into your own heart and into the world. It may have a melody, or a sound of some kind, or a rippling feeling, or perhaps the sense of a sigh. 

         So, I invite you on this New Year’s Eve, as you get ready to reset your life in 2024, to take time for a brief meditation. And just imagine this Pale Peach Frequency of light with golden sparkles, and then imagine It as a small sun behind your heart - and then pulsing into your heart and out through your body. Perhaps flowing through your body in your blood stream. And after a little while let it expand through your whole body and then out into your energy field. And just sit with this for a little while. 

         As I write this, I am feeling it is like champagne. It is the champagne of the New Channel. The channel of Compassion.

Have a lovely lovely New Year. 

With so much love, light, and compassion,


Winter Solstice 2023 - THE COURAGE TO BE YOU


Each night starts earlier and earlier. We are moving, like we do every year, into the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Though our current culture doesn't pay much, if any, attention to the Winter Solstice on December 21, in the Northern Hemisphere, in ancient times this day/night was the most sacred.

As the day approached the people responded to going into the darkness in harmony with the rest of nature - the leaves falling, revealing stark bare branches, the grasses browning, the bears going off to sleep in their lairs, the lakes and steams freezing. And the Earth, the Great Mother, drawing all her children into the depths of the darkness where she embraced them all in Her dark blanket of rest and the promise of rejuvenation - New Light -

And, so honoring Her rich darkness they slowed down. They rested like the plants and the animals until just before the Solstice, when those who were called began gathering wood to build giant bonfires to celebrate the Light In the Darkness. - The promise of a new year coming. Not right away, days would still be short and nights long, but the cycle was now set in motion to return to longer days and finally the rebirth of Spring.

So, though, we in our crazy unhinged culture are rushing around buying gift, sitting in traffic jams, planning and giving parties, working long shifts, tearing our hair out with year end tax preparation, and business and corporate plans for the new year, deep in our DNA is the memory of the ancient appreciation of the darkness and the deepness within ourselves as part of the cycle of life and our Divine Mother Earth.

Thus, on this day before the Solstice, I invite you to slow down.

Take a break from the chaos, and allow yourself to snuggle down, maybe wrapped in a soft blanket, perhaps with incense burning, and breathe into your own dark coziness. And dream about a time when the night was the realm of the Mother and Her nurture. We were safe in the dark, because we knew She loved us, and took care of us. This is the darkness of the womb, and from Her womb we all were born.

Allow yourself to breathe into that ancient knowing that is held in your DNA. Allow the experience to infuse you from within. And continue to breathe. Breathe until breath is the only thing there is.

You may begin to get a feeling of emptiness. That may feel scary, but put your attention back on your breath and welcome in the nothingness. Remember you are in the womb of the Great Mother. And it is in this moment that all of your life's potential is.

And it is in the moment, in this nothingness that you may feel a wild new you pulsing gently through you. And it is NOW that you have the power to ride the monstrous wave of your own pure potential. To connect with your Courage to let go of all that has held you hostage in the past, and go for it.

Who knows what "it" is. You don't need to, this is not about some old goal or ego created idea of what you want to be or do, but it is the intense desire of your immortal spirit to express itself through the magnificent vessel that you are.

Be with this for as long as you can. Relax and allow whatever is happening within.


and Breathe


As you find your way into the rest of your day, allow that feeling, that sensation of your own courageous Inner Being accompany you into tomorrow and the Solstice.

And then on the Solstice, Honor the Divine Mother, and gather your candles

and your crystals and you sacred objects, and your sacred beverage and your warm cozy blanket and speak with The Great Mother. Ask her what She wants for you in this next moment. Listen. Listen with your feeling self and your sensing/intuitive self. And Light your candles and drink your sacred wine or juice, and celebrate your courage to be YOU.

Have a blessed Solstice.

With so much light, and love, and joy,


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Friday, March 3, 2023

We're All Just Walking Each Other Home



I was talking with a new student this week about how we are all learning from each other now. And that we, who are here to bring in the New Awakening, are in the process of deconstructing the old hierarchical structure of leaders and followers and Gurus and Devotees. That we are all friends and each of us has lessons we have learned that we can share. And I thought about Ram Dass saying, “We’re all just walking each other home.”


I remember the first time I heard him say that my heart opened up and was filled with warmth and joyfulness. And the picture that came to mind was all of us walking out of this life into the next. I think this was probably because I knew he wasn’t going to be living in his current body much longer. 

 But, yesterday, when I thought about us all walking each other home a new vision arose in my heart mind of what home is. 

 Not someplace beyond this earth and this body, but right here, right now, inside our own hearts. And when we move into our hearts more we find a new sense of safety and peace and joy, and we begin to be able to support others to move into their own hearts.

 And it is in this meeting of hearts that we will, and probably already are, creating a new heart-centered paradigm. 

I envision it like a sea of open hearts flowing like the ocean – rolling, cresting, swirling, flowing in joy together. No fear, just hearts beating together with Mother Earth and Mother Ocean and we are all part of it all. 

 Then the barriers melt away into the Heart ocean and competition becomes impossible to hold on to. Fear melts away. Love flows between all with ease. Dis-ease becomes ease and lack is incomprehensible. 

Power is only the Power of Love. It is and always has been and always will be the only power. 

 Of course, the voice of our old paradigm brains challenge this. 

 What will we do without conflict, without competition, without striving, without having the ideas of fame and money to motivate us? Without stress and winning and losing? Without having more than others to make us feel successful?

 One way to quell the brain’s old paradigm need for striving and fearing and winning and losing is one breath at a time.


Practice with me.  


Just close your eyes. Let all the breath out and then breathe gently and deeply into your heart with a smile on your face (real or fake- either is ok). And as you breathe, just think of breathing in love. And on the outbreath, breathe out whatever bubbles up that is not love. 

Envision love being held in sparkling pods of Pale Pink Light, or any color(s) that you perceive. 

After a few minutes feel your heart opening up and welcoming other hearts to join you and your heart. This will be very subtle at first. But when you continue to do the exercise for just a few minutes every day it will get stronger and stronger. 

 Just keep it your intention to heal your own heart and open to other healing hearts.

 You won’t know who’s hearts you’re connecting with, because this is all done through the power of love and the light that holds the love is protecting you as you do this simple exercise. 

 You don’t have to form groups to do this. Don’t even try to connect with specific people. This is all done simply by your Higher Self and other Higher Selves who are on your inner radar. All with whom you are walking home into the ocean of our hearts.

 This is already happening in the world. I know because I have seen it. And, of course, not everyone is going to be doing this. But all that matters is that all who are here on the planet to do this will do it. And the Oceans of Love that are created will help bring forth the new awakening of Love. 

 I am opening my heart to all of you with this little story. Breathe in and feel it. 

 With so much love, light, and joyfulness.


Monday, August 31, 2020


This is a response to a comment made recently on an FB post I shared by my beloved ex-husband
Rick Pieters
He commented that “We must stand up for the good and against the dark.” And in this time when the dark is screaming with its cruel voice, it seems like this is correct. And in quickly replying to comments, I agreed with Rick. I said, “Yes, of course.” But then later I thought, NO. we mustn’t be against the dark, we must only be FOR the Light. The Light erases the darkness. Turn on a light in a dark room, and voila, the darkness is gone. But if we walk into a dark room and say “Stop, being dark,” though we stand firmly against the dark, it stays dark. After awhile our eyes adjust to the dark, and we can see a little bit. And we begin to think that is normal. So, the dark has won us over to its side. But if we simply walk across the room and turn on the light switch, we can see perfectly, and we are suddenly living in the light, and not squinting in the dark.
What we have done by trying to be against the darkness is to give the darkness power over us.
Everyone is familiar with the expression, What you resist will persist. And yet, we persist in resisting constantly with the same outcome. What we resist continues to persist. Isn’t that just the craziest thing?
After the 2016 election, there was the great Resist movement. We were reminded constantly to not stop resisting. And it kept us feeling good about ourselves, but it didn’t really do much. In fact, we saw what we were resisting getting stronger and stronger. But we kept resisting. Until a couple of months ago when George Floyd was killed and Black Lives Matter surged into the streets and the consciousness of America. And the difference, the reason that so much has happened so quickly, is because Black Lives Matter is FOR the good. Not against the dark. Yes, we want the police to stop killing black people. But the underlying theme, and the energy that is propelling the movement is FOR Black Lives Mattering. The people in the streets, for the most part, are driven by the desire to make life better FOR Black people.
It may seem like a subtle difference, and yet its impact is immense. In the sixties Dr. King’s movement was FOR Civil Rights. FOR the betterment of Black People’s lives.
Anything that you push against makes that which you are pushing against push back harder, thus energizing that which you are pushing against.
So, when we say stand against the dark, just the word and action of being against builds the strength of the dark.
But when we are FOR the Light, the light continues to shine and blot out the darkness. And the more Light we shine, the more the darkness tries to hide, but if we go around turning on all the lights, it makes it more and more impossible for the darkness to find hiding places.
As we stand right now facing the greatest darkness that this country has seen since the Civil War, we must Stand For the Light. And we must stand For the Goodness. And we must stand For Love of our fellow human beings, and we must stand For Compassion. We must be FOR THE LIGHT, and the darkness will have nothing to push against, and it will lose its strength.
The difficulty we have in being FOR the Light and the Goodness, and not being against the darkness, is that our culture is addicted to drama, and angst, and we end up spending most of our time talking about how awful the darkness is. This, of course, does nothing but energize the dark.
It does take self-discipline to disengage from the drama and the complaining and the firing up each other’s fears. But this is a time that calls for discipline, and for Action FOR the Good. For the LIGHT.
Please join me in Standing FOR the Light, and In the Light, and as more and more Lights are turned on the darkness will disappear, as if by magic. But not magic, the simple fact that Light ends darkness.
Blessed be,

Monday, March 23, 2020

And thus it begins...the great awakening - love from Barbara Wilder

Here we are in the midst of the first ever complete and total world crisis. And there is no war. What's going on? It's so weird that our logical minds simply can't grasp it. And, of course, when something so unusual and so dramatic happens that disrupts every part of normal life, the first place most of us go to is fear, or denial. Some of us, those of us who have been on the front lines doing the inner work for many years in preparation for this time are less fearful, and some even gleeful. But that does not mean that the fear or the denial and the anxiety aren't real.
And even I, who have been on the task force for forty-five years, had no idea that it would present itself as a virus named Covid19 or any other name, for that matter.

I'm writing this on March 22, 2020, and things are so fluid and moving so fast, that it's anybody's guess what will be happening on March 23 or beyond, because we are in the most powerful place in spiritual growth and development that there is, the "UNKNOWN." And the amazing thing is that we are doing it physically apart from each other, but spiritually together. In our isolation we are being guided to go deeper into our own unique psyches and strip away the masks and costumes that we have been wearing in the old normal world, so that we can discover and begin to grow into our true selves - our Sovereign selves, who will be able to come out of  sheltering in place as more complete human beings, who know our own true nature, both remarkable and flawed. Humbled a bit, more compassionate, and more ready to take our part in the co-creation of the New Culture. A culture that is based on loving, caring, and sharing.

It's hard to believe, but it's true. This is the beginning of the great awakening of humanity. I'm sure there will be setbacks and glitlches in our new inner software, but this is what is happening. And the quicker we can embrace this new truth, the faster it will come into being.

My sense is that we will be in this sheltering in place state until enough of us let go of our fears, and open our hearts to our own light and our own sovereign power.  

We have lived in a top-down culture that is based on exclusion, domination, fear, and the belief that there is not enough to go around for far too long. And that kind of cruel and heartless culture can no longer survive. Thus, we are being taken out of the culture for this period of time, how ever long that will be. And though there is the fear of the virus itself, the greater fear is about our livelihoods. And because we are so used to having to work slavishly to support ourselves and our families, we can't believe that we will be able to survive this kind of stoppage of the normal way we are taken care of. Because, and this is especially true for in the U.S., no one really takes care of us. We are mired in the good old American work ethic that says you must pull your own weight. If you can't then you aren't working hard enough, you're lazy, you're not as good as those who know how to work this untenable, loveless system.

Well, interestingly, the government is finding itself having to step up and take measures to take care of us during this event. And this has happened over the span of less than ten days. No taxes have to be paid until July. Some amount of money ($1000 or more) is being sent to every American. There are rules being put in place for mortgages and rents and other bills to be halted for the time being. And more. It's a miracle if you stop and think about it.

I tend to believe this is the Divine Feminine energy rising up from the depths of Mother Earth, bringing forth this incredible moment of transformation. This moment of stopping, and taking stock. Allowing HER to take the reigns and guide us - giving us the luxury of time. 

Time to reconsider our lives. Who we are, and what we are meant to be doing on our glorious planet. Our beautiful Mother Earth seems to be healing faster than any could imagine in just the short time we have been staying indoors. The pollution levels dropped to even zero in some places. The dolphins, swans and fish have returned to the Venice canals in Italy. And more good news about our Mother Earth is emerging daily.

I was talking to a friend today who works at a small company that is now working from home and have daily meetings online. Each member of the team was asked to open the daily meetings with something inspiring - a poem, a meditation, a song. Well, the first day, the head of accounting had the task of opening the meeting. And it turns out she used to be a drummer, so she dusted off some special kind of drum and played it brilliantly, moving the whole team almost to tears. And she began to cry, because she had not played for over two years. The next day, a young man, who worked in admin, and who had been a musician played and sang one of his own songs that spoke to the heart of this current crisis with such artistry that once again the others were moved to tears, as was he.

These talented people's music and voices are needed in our world. But how can they share their true talents when every moment in their lives must be focused on making  living in a culture doesn't support it's people?

The Divine Mother Energy is coming forth and giving us this time to open to our own inner knowing and connect with what our actual part is in the creation of this new culture that will work with so much less stress, and so much more love, compassion and caring.

I'm not saying that only artists are needed to co-create this new world, but I'm saying that we are all immensely creative, and we each have a touch of genius a spark of creation within that, given this time of sitting in the powerful unknown has the opportunity to spring up out of us like the new shoots of Spring that are shooting up throughout the northern hemisphere.

We are being given a reprieve from the soul crushing culture to open up to the powerful messages that each one of our own Spirits and the Greater Spirit of the humanity as a whole are speaking to us.

Once we settle into the strangeness of being with ourselves and our small family units, we will find the open space between our thoughts, where the voice of Spirit can come through. And who knows what will come through for you, for me, for each of us. But my feeling is that it will be far beyond anything we have dreamed of.

Of, course, as many of you already know, one of the major shifts will be in the flow of money in the world. And as I speak of in my book Money is Love: Reconnecting to the Sacred Origins of Money, the fear-based energy that drives money in our current culture will change to a love-based energy. How that will happen is part of the unknown. But it is definitely part of the what is in the process of happening. This I do know. The only thing that makes money seem scarce in our current culture is the false belief that there isn't enough to go around. Take some deep breaths, and feel into what a world where the money flows without the constraints of that lie will feel like. A world where loving one another and having compassion for one another is paramount. This is what we are seeing signs of everywhere in these past couple of weeks.

Imagine this new world and what it is that your spirit is guiding you to bring forth.
We each hold a sacred and even mystical piece of the mosaic that is the New Culture. During this time be aware of that. But don't try to make it happen. The trick is to let it happen as you spend time, relaxing, resting, praying, singing, dancing, meditating, and caring for yourself and others in our beloved family of humanity.


If you would like some help as you navigate the new energies please contact me. I am offering a sliding scale right now to help in this remarkable time. I can help you release your fear and guide you through the maze to your truth and your joyful life right now, and then beyond. or 720-841-5820.


My friend Sharon Coleman and I would like to invite you to attend the Mastering Your Money Mindset Summit beginning on March 23rd - 31st. Sharon's interviewed dozens of industry experts to help you shift into abundance.  My segment will air on March 23. When you register you will get three speakers in your email every day of the summit. Click here to Register